6/30/2024 0 Comments June Gratitude
6/27/2024 0 Comments Jackie Robinson StoryIn the annals of American sports history, few stories resonate as powerfully as that of Jackie Robinson. More than just an extraordinary athlete, Robinson was a trailblazer whose courage and determination transcended the baseball diamond to challenge the deeply ingrained racial barriers of his time.
**Early Life and Athletic Prowess** Jack Roosevelt Robinson was born on January 31, 1919, in Cairo, Georgia. From an early age, it was evident that Jackie was destined for greatness. He excelled in multiple sports, including football, basketball, track, and, of course, baseball. His athletic versatility earned him a spot at Pasadena Junior College and later at UCLA, where he became the first student to letter in four sports. **The Road to Major League Baseball** Robinson's journey to Major League Baseball (MLB) began in the Negro Leagues, where he played for the Kansas City Monarchs. It was during this time that Branch Rickey, the president and general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, took notice of his talent and, more importantly, his character. Rickey was on a mission to integrate baseball, and he believed Robinson was the perfect candidate to break the color barrier. In 1945, Robinson signed with the Montreal Royals, the Dodgers' Triple-A affiliate. Despite facing intense racism from fans, opponents, and even some teammates, Robinson's performance on the field was nothing short of spectacular. His success with the Royals paved the way for his historic debut with the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15, 1947. **Breaking the Color Barrier** Robinson's debut marked a seismic shift in American sports and society. As the first African American to play in the MLB in the modern era, he faced relentless hostility. He endured racial slurs, threats, and physical aggression, yet he remained steadfast. Robinson's composure and resilience in the face of such adversity were a testament to his strength of character. On the field, Robinson's impact was immediate and profound. He was named the Rookie of the Year in 1947, leading the league in stolen bases and helping the Dodgers to the National League pennant. Over the course of his career, Robinson continued to excel, earning six All-Star selections, an MVP award in 1949, and a World Series championship in 1955. **Legacy and Impact** Jackie Robinson's influence extended far beyond his athletic achievements. He became a symbol of the civil rights movement, using his platform to speak out against racial injustice. His success in MLB challenged the status quo and paved the way for future generations of African American athletes. In 1962, Robinson was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame, a fitting tribute to his remarkable career. His legacy is also commemorated every year on April 15th, known as Jackie Robinson Day, when players across the league wear his iconic number 42 in his honor. **Conclusion** Jackie Robinson's story is one of courage, resilience, and enduring impact. His determination to overcome the barriers of his time not only transformed baseball but also made significant strides towards racial equality in America. Today, Robinson's legacy continues to inspire athletes and non-athletes alike, reminding us of the power of perseverance and the enduring fight for justice. 6/25/2024 0 Comments Power of PresenceHas someone ever told you that you got IT? IT is very hard to explain. But this is something that distinguishes the good leaders from the extraordinary leaders: and it’s your ability to energize a room through your presence. When you walk in a room, the energy will just shift. You can feel eyes on you and people start to feel their energy rise.
How do you attain this magnetic presence? First is authenticity. People just have a feeling when you are true to yourself and true to them. Reflect on what you believe in, what your goals are, what you value and be your true self. Embrace your strengths but also know what your weaknesses are. Being your true self builds trust and credibility which will inspire others to do the same. Positivity is contagious. Extraordinary leaders focus on the possibilities rather than their limitations and create an environment encouraging others to become innovative. Always look for the positive in each situation. When you are positive, your entire team is positive too. But this is also the same for the latter so be careful. Understand that you are dealing with people too. Your team members are more than just a number or a means to make you money or achieve your goal. Empathetic leaders are actively listening so they can show compassion to their team members. People will respect you for understanding where they are coming from. A clear vision is what will guide you and your team. An extraordinary leader will rally their members to follow the common goal and believe in it. Make sure your team aligns with the goals you set. Share this vision with them and keep them passionate about being the best. Great leaders are extraordinary salesmen. Why? They understand how to persuade others how to take action. And they do this by leading from the front. Being able to sell just means being able to effectively communicate. Don’t just talk about it, be about it. Leaders will model the behavior they are setting for the team at all times. They are more committed and will work 10x harder to make sure the team achieves the goal. Team members are more likely to mirror your energy and drive when they see you leading from the front. Take time to get to know your team. It can’t be all numbers and training 24/7. Your team needs to know you look at them as humans when you have regular conversations with them. When you foster relationships, your team will be ready to run through walls for you. It’s always about learning and growth. The best leaders are also the best students. Continue to learn and your team will follow suit as well. This is how your presence can be felt in a room. People can feel your overwhelming energy. 6/24/2024 0 Comments Master through repetitionThey say the formula for success is talent+hard work+luck. They forgot a major piece: repetition. This is why I live by the famous quote from ET, “practice makes permanence.” The most successful people do it until they can’t get it wrong.
When you continue to repeat the same process, you create grooves in your brain literally ingraining the skill into your subconscious. The skill then turns from conscious effort into automation. This is what will set you apart from the rest. Consider Kobe Bryant for a second. Kobe in my opinion, is the greatest basketball player to touch the court of basketball. And it was about more than statistics or the eye test. Kobe had the perfect mindset for success and killer instinct that no other basketball player had ever. And it was all because of hard work. Michael Jackson used to rehearse his dance moves and singing for 18 hours per day. If you are following the 10,000 hour rule, Michael would have mastered dancing and singing in a little less than 2 years. And he became the king of pop. Bill Gates worked 10,000 plus hours of programming before he founded Microsoft. He didn’t just wake up and be a billionaire and one of the world’s most wealthiest men. All of these guys were able to master their craft and gain other benefits of repetition. Such as growing more neural pathways through a process called neuroplasticity. This is how Kobe was able to take the final shot so many times and not feel nervous because he did this same shout over 10,000 times. Mastering a skill also builds confidence. Michael Jackson can get on stage and assure his show will be amazing. Why? Because he’s done the same moves over and over again. He proved to himself that it will be a success. Do it over and over again until you are sure you won’t mess it up. 6/20/2024 0 Comments June 20th, 2024On June 19, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, bringing with him the news that the Civil War had ended and that all enslaved people were free. Ever since Granger did this, now Juneteenth became a huge part of our history, the day slavery ended. Abe Lincoln finished the Emancipation Proclamation 2 years prior. It just took 2 years to get to every part of America. This day represents the struggle for freedom and equality and is a celebration for black people.
The Historical Context of Juneteenth There were so many challenges in the 19th century when it came to implementing national policies. Granger’s order about the end of slavery wasn’t the end of it. He also called for there to be an employee and employer relationship between former masters and free men. The slave owners weren’t just gonna roll over for this. And this is why black oriole still faced economic hardship and discrimination after the end of slavery. The Cultural and Social Significance of Juneteenth Juneteenth was a celebration for freedom. The festivals still celebrate freedoms but turned into parades, cultural activities and more. There was a huge day party in Philly for Juneteenth. And now after 2021, Juneteenth is recognized as a federal holiday. However, I think this is because it was during the times of the George Floyd marches. I believe the U.S just gave us a holiday to calm us down. Juneteenth and the Ongoing Fight for Equality Juneteenth continues to remind us that the fight isn’t over. We are still affected by everything our ancestors went through years ago. We must continue to educate our youth on the importance of Juneteenth. This will help the next generation become advocates for change. 6/18/2024 0 Comments Love those who love youThere’s no sense of wasting time trying to love someone who doesn’t even love you.
Only focus on those who love you unconditionally. And those who don’t love you, forget them. Growing up, my old mentor always told me if you have haters than you are doing something right. I would have some people hate me for just being me. I wasn’t in any beefs. All I did was go to school and play basketball. But still people hated me for making the basketball team when they didn’t. They hated on me for having the pretty girl and they didn’t. And a lot of the time, I liked to talk to my mentor about it. He would tell me this was a sign of doing something good. This made me feel better about the situation. This is why there isn’t any new friends in my group. My friends genuinely love me and I spend most of my time with them. Family and my wife love me too. I spend a lot of my time with her as well. Spend time with those who love you and love them back. And forget the haters. 6/16/2024 0 Comments Sunday gratitude
6/12/2024 0 Comments Hire your replacementA true leader isn’t judged by what he can do himself. A true leader is judged by how well his underlings are doing.
I realized recreation of a better version of myself is what is needed for me to be the greatest leader ever. Once I started training my team individually to sell how I do, my district started doing amazing. But I don’t want them to be as good as me. The whole point of my training is to have my team better than me. And it looks like this is working. The close rates of all my locations are growing exponentially. I’m inspiring them to be the greatest to get their own locations. I then want them to get more stores. And I want them to make more money than me. This is the job of a leader. 6/12/2024 0 Comments It takes a villageYou can call it a village or your can cal it a team. Call it whatever you want, but you are only going to make it but so far alone.
My Winnerz Win business has been open for about a year. But I’ve been an entrepreneur for a couple years before this. It just took me until now to get an idea of this. What I started doing now is making sure I have assistance with my flyer drops. There are kids around where I used to go to the gym I have flyer drop for me for a couple of dollars. They help me and I pay them a couple of dollars. I’m helping the community and they help me back. WIN-WIN! If you don’t have money, you can get assistance another way. You get creative. Maybe you can spare lunch or a percentage of sales made. Twist is however you want, but you are gonna need help. 6/10/2024 0 Comments I’m a hustler!What makes a hustler? A lot of times, people try to become a hustler. But I’m here to tell the truth. You either got it or you don’t.
I’m speaking from experience. There was so many times I have hired a representative with a “nice” personality. But I realized that doesn’t cut it. This one representative was a nice person and wouldn’t hurt a fly. They were also attractive, and in sales this is important because being more attractive makes you more trustworthy. There was one big problem. They didn’t have the hustler in them. The representative couldn’t even take the time to memorize product knowledge. We have been going over the same concept for the last six months. They still can’t get it. One thing hustlers don’t do is forget how to make their money. In fact, they are always looking for ways to make more money. And the hustlers will do whatever it takes. |
AuthorCarlos Henry is a human behavior consultant, author, and coach who teaches young minority entrepreneurs and startup businesses how to achieve their personal and professional goals in a quarter of the time through high income skills. Archives
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